Remote Work and Coliving: How to Balance Productivity

In recent years, remote work has become a game-changer, offering millennials the flexibility to pursue their careers while enjoying a more balanced lifestyle. Coupled with the rising trend of coliving spaces, where individuals share living spaces and experiences, this modern approach to living and working presents exciting opportunities. In this blog post, we’ll explore how millennials can strike the right balance between productivity and community while embracing the coliving lifestyle in Bangalore.

1. Creating a Productive Workspace in Your Coliving Unit

The foundation of successful remote work lies in a well-designed workspace. Set up a designated area within your coliving unit where you can focus solely on your tasks. Invest in a comfortable chair, an ergonomic desk, and proper lighting to enhance your work environment. By creating a dedicated workspace, you’ll signal to yourself and your roommates that you’re in work mode, boosting your concentration and productivity.

2. Flexible Routines

One of the perks of remote work is the ability to tailor your daily routine to your preferences. For millennials, this means syncing your work hours with your peak productivity periods. Whether you’re an early riser or a night owl, crafting a routine that aligns with your natural energy levels can lead to better results. Moreover, coliving spaces often offer communal areas like co-working lounges, allowing you to change up your work environment if needed.

3. Structured Breaks for Enhanced Efficiency

Balancing productivity with downtime is essential for maintaining your overall well-being. Schedule regular breaks to stretch, walk around, or simply relax. Coliving communities often organize group activities and social events, providing you with the perfect opportunity to disconnect from work and connect with fellow residents. Engaging in these activities can recharge your mind and help you return to work with renewed focus.

4. Setting Boundaries for Work-Life Balance

Remote work can sometimes blur the lines between work and personal life. To prevent burnout, establish clear boundaries. Communicate your work hours to your roommates and make an effort to disconnect from work-related tasks during your designated off-hours. This separation is crucial for maintaining a healthy work-life balance and fully enjoying the benefits of coliving.

5. Leveraging Networking Opportunities in Coliving Spaces

Coliving spaces are hubs of diversity and innovation, making them ideal environments for networking and collaboration. As a millennial, you can leverage these opportunities to expand your professional network and gain insights from like-minded individuals. Attend community events, workshops, and networking sessions organized by your coliving space to foster meaningful connections that can enhance both your work and personal life.

6. Exploring Bangalore: Work and Play

Coliving in Bangalore offers a unique advantage—the chance to explore a vibrant city known for its tech scene and cultural diversity. Take advantage of your flexible work schedule to explore local cafes, parks, and cultural attractions during your breaks or after work hours. This not only enriches your experience but also helps in maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

In conclusion, the combination of remote work and coliving in Bangalore offers millennials an exciting way to balance productivity and community. By creating a conducive workspace, embracing flexible routines, structuring breaks, setting boundaries, and tapping into networking opportunities, you can maximize the benefits of this lifestyle. Remember, the key is to maintain a synergy between work and leisure, allowing you to thrive both professionally and personally in your coliving journey in Bangalore.

Why You Should Consider A Bone Mineral Density Test

One of the benefits of advancements in the medical world is the introduction of tests and scans that help you identify problems at an early stage and improve your overall quality of life as you grow old.

A bone mineral density test is one such process that your doctor would advise you to undergo, especially if you are prone to osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a condition where your bones become very weak and break easily. This can lead to fractures and acute pain in your bones. This is where a bone mineral densitometry in Bangalore or anywhere else can help you assess the density and health of your bones.

Bone Mineral Density Test in Bangalore – The Process

A bone density test is also known as a Dexa scan in the medical world. A Dexa Scan in Bangalore, or a diagnostic center of any locality of your choice, often involves checking for small reductions in the density of your bones. As they don’t make use of radiation, bone density tests are generally considered far safer than X-rays, though the process is more or less the same in both these procedures.

A bone mineral densitometry in Bangalore doesn’t take too much time. You may be asked to change into a hospital gown, or you may continue to wear your own clothes, depending on the type of scan you have been advised to undergo. Since these are outpatient processes, you don’t have to worry about any invasive processes like injections or sedatives in this. You may only be required to push yourself against or lie on a table when X-ray beams pass through the part of your body that needs to be scanned. So, there is absolutely no chance of pain or discomfort, when you undergo a Dexa Scan in Bangalore.

Reasons you may have to undergo a bone mineral density test

Low bone density issues, if left untreated, can lead to severe complications like multiple fractures, hipbone breakage affecting your mobility, weakening of vertebrae and more. All of these can cripple your bones, and affect your movement, thereby leading to many issues as you grow old. Therefore, your doctor may advise you go to for a bone mineral density test in Bangalore in the following cases:

  • If you are a woman, because, according to studies, 1 in 3 women are prone to osteoporosis
  • Having hormonal problems like menopause, thyroid issues and more
  • Deficiency of calcium
  • If you are over 50 years old
  • Recent breakage of bone
  • Visible reduction in height due to reduction of bone mass
  • Prone to sedentary lifestyles

As you can see, your doctor checks your medical history and immediately refers you to a bone mineral density test to check for any abnormalities in the above cases. When you don’t get this issue diagnosed at an early stage, you may face problems in routine activities like walking and sitting. Loss of more and more bone mass can reduce your height considerably, and bring about a hunch in your posture.

Treating the issue

Depending on the results of your bone density test, your doctor would definitely ask you to change your lifestyle. This would involve leading a fitter lifestyle and eating a more balanced diet than before. 

Apart from these mandatory changes in your lifestyle, you would also be given medicines containing bisphosphonates, as this ingredient helps to get back lost bone mass. Women with hormonal issues and low bone density may be advised to undergo hormone therapy, depending on the severity of the condition.

How to Prepare for a Mammogram?

Women above 40 years old are susceptible to ailments like breast cancer, cervical cancer, osteoporosis and more. It is important to take regular tests, rule out these diseases and lead a healthy lifestyle. A mammogram is a test women should take to check for breast cancer symptoms. Keep reading to know more about what this test is all about, and how to prepare for the same.

Mammogram – Meaning and Process

A mammogram is nothing but an X-Ray process of your breast to check for abnormalities. Your breasts are pressed against two film surfaces so that the X-ray can capture the images of your breast tissues, and detect cancerous cells, if any.

This test is very important because it can detect breast cancer very early, making 100% recovery completely possible. Though 2D mammograms have been practiced for many years, many advanced clinics use 3D mammograms today. 

Types of mammograms

When you opt to do a mammography test in Bangalore, it can be for screening and diagnostics.

Screening – Even if you have no signs of breast cancer, you can opt for a screening mammography test in Bangalore to detect cancer at a very early stage, as per your doctor’s recommendation.

Diagnostic – Your doctor will recommend this test for you when you notice certain symptoms of breast cancer like unusual lumps, breast pain, thickening of nipples and so on.

Preparing for your mammogram

Here are some tips you can follow when preparing for a mammography test in Bangalore, or any other place:

  • If you have a lot of pain in the breasts, you can take a painkiller (based on your doctor’s recommendation) before the mammogram, as the process involves a lot of compressions in your breasts.
  • Wear comfortable clothes, as you need to completely remove your top before the test. So, you don’t want to feel naked on the screening table.
  • Don’t wear any jewelry around your neck; the technician will ask you to remove them before taking the test.
  • Don’t drastically change your diet and sleeping routines the day before the mammography test.
  • Always schedule your mammography tests a week after your period. During menstruation, your breasts may be slightly tender. A mammogram during this time, or a week before your period, will cause more pain in your breasts than in normal cases.
  • Never use deodorants, perfumes, creams, or any lotions on your breasts or underarms on the day of your mammogram. X-rays can easily pick up the chemicals in these items, so the final results may be distorted.
  • If you already have a mammogram, don’t forget to take those reports with you.
  • You can go for a mammography test in Bangalore, or any other location, only if your doctor has recommended it. So, you have to show your doctor’s recommendation to the diagnostic center, before they do a mammogram.
  • Don’t hesitate to voice out any discomfort during the mammography process. Please tell the technicians if they need to go slowly and give them a couple of minutes to relax if your breasts are compressed too much, if the machine needs to be adjusted, or anything else.
  • Always wear flats or sneakers when you go for a mammography test. During this test, you must stand for a long time, with your breasts pushed forward and compressed against the film surface. So, wearing flats will make you feel comfortable.
  • The entire mammography process takes around 30 minutes to complete. You can resume your normal activities after the process is complete. After the X-ray image of your breasts is done, you will be asked for a while, while the diagnostic team checks the quality of these images. If they are unclear, you may be called for a second mammogram, though it happens in rare instances only.

How Smart Square Helps Healthcare Professionals

Smart Square is a workforce management software designed to streamline healthcare professionals’ staffing and scheduling processes.

Smart Square allows healthcare organizations to manage their staff more efficiently, reduce costs, and improve patient care.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how Smart Square helps healthcare professionals.

Efficient Staffing

One of the main benefits of Baggot Street Mercy is that it enables healthcare organizations to staff their facilities more efficiently.

The software uses predictive analytics to forecast staffing needs based on patient volume and acuity levels. This helps organizations to ensure that they have the right number of staff on hand at all times to provide high-quality care.

Flexible Scheduling

Smart Square also offers a range of scheduling options that can help healthcare professionals to achieve a better work-life balance. For example, staff can request time off or schedule shifts that fit their personal needs.

The software also enables managers to create schedules that align with staff preferences, which can help to reduce turnover and improve employee satisfaction.

Reduced Administrative Burden

Smart Square also helps to reduce the administrative burden for healthcare professionals. With the software, managers can automate many of the tasks associated with scheduling and staffing, such as shift swapping and time-off requests. This frees up more time for healthcare professionals to focus on patient care.

Improved Communication

Smart Square also provides a platform for healthcare professionals to communicate with each other more effectively. For example, staff can use the software to send colleagues messages or request shift swaps. This can help reduce confusion and ensure everyone is on the same page.

Improved Patient Care

Ultimately, the goal of Baggot street mercy login is to improve patient care by ensuring that healthcare organizations have the right staff in place at all times.

By using predictive analytics to forecast staffing needs, organizations can ensure that they are fully staffed during periods of high patient volume. This can help to reduce wait times, improve patient outcomes, and increase patient satisfaction.

Cost Savings

Smart Square can also help healthcare organizations reduce costs. By streamlining staffing and scheduling processes, organizations can reduce the time and resources required to manage their staff. This can help to lower labor costs and increase overall efficiency.

Easy Integration

Smart Square can be easily integrated with other healthcare software systems, such as electronic medical records (EMR) and time and attendance systems. This makes it easy for healthcare organizations to use the software alongside other tools they already use.

Improved Compliance

Finally, Smart Square can help healthcare organizations improve regulatory compliance. For example, the software can ensure that healthcare professionals follow all necessary rules and regulations when scheduling and staffing facilities. This can help organizations to avoid costly fines and penalties.


In conclusion, Smart Square is a powerful tool that can help healthcare professionals to improve staffing and scheduling processes, reduce administrative burden, improve communication, improve patient care, reduce costs, integrate with other software systems, and improve compliance.

If you are a healthcare professional, consider Smart Square as a tool that can help you provide better care to your patients while also achieving a better work-life balance.

How To Make A Green Home

Creating a green home is a proactive step towards living a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly lifestyle. Not only does it reduce your carbon footprint and help protect the planet, but it can also save you money on energy costs and improve the health and comfort of your home.

Making your home green involves making small changes to your daily habits and implementing eco-friendly products and technologies. These changes can range from using energy-efficient appliances and low-flow showerheads, to installing solar panels and energy-efficient windows. This article will delve into the various ways you can make your home more environmentally friendly and the benefits of doing so. Alternatively, you can also consult the best construction company in Bangalore and build a green home. By following these tips, you can reduce your reliance on fossil fuels, conserve natural resources, and positively impact the planet.

Steps to Make A Green Home

  • Insulate your home properly. Proper insulation will keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer, reducing your energy consumption and carbon emissions.
  • Use energy-efficient appliances. Energy Star certified appliances are designed to use less energy and water, which can save you money on your energy bills.
  • Install low-flow showerheads and faucets. These can help reduce the amount of water you use, which can save you money on your water bills and reduce your environmental impact.
  • Switch to LED light bulbs. LED bulbs use less energy and last longer than traditional incandescent bulbs, saving you money on your energy bills and reducing your carbon footprint.
  • Use natural light. Open your curtains during the day to let in natural light and turn off your lights when they’re not needed. This can help reduce your energy consumption and lower your energy bills.
  • Plant trees or install shading devices. Trees and shading devices can help block the sun’s rays and reduce the amount of heat that enters your home, which can lower your energy consumption and reduce your carbon emissions.
  • Use a programmable thermostat. A programmable thermostat can help you regulate the temperature in your home and reduce your energy consumption. You can set it to turn off the heat or air conditioning when you’re not home and turn it back on when you return.
  • Install solar panels. Solar panels can help you generate your own electricity and reduce your reliance on fossil fuels. They can also save you money on your energy bills.
  • Use energy-efficient windows. Energy-efficient windows are designed to keep heat in during the winter and out during the summer, which can help reduce your energy consumption and lower your energy bills.
  • Use eco-friendly cleaning products. Many cleaning products contain harmful chemicals that can be harmful to the environment and your health. Opt for eco-friendly cleaning products made from natural ingredients, which are better for the environment and your health.


In conclusion, a green home construction is a simple yet effective way to live a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly lifestyle. By implementing small changes such as using energy-efficient appliances, low-flow showerheads, and LED light bulbs, you can reduce your carbon footprint and save money on energy costs. 

Additionally, installing solar panels, energy-efficient windows, and eco-friendly cleaning products can help make your home more environmentally friendly. Making your home green not only benefits the planet, but it can also improve the health and comfort of your home. By following these tips, you can do your part to protect the environment and create a more sustainable future for all of us.

How To Create a Business Plan For Preschool?

Are you confused about how to create a business plan for preschool? Don’t worry, here is the solution!

The necessary early step for starting any business is to make your business plan. Beginning a preschool is no exception! Numerous questions need to be taken into consideration, like the expenses, the pricing, the age groups, the duration, and many more. Constructing a business plan can help you to answer these questions and make your work organized.

Let us start by understanding what a preschool is? Preschool is built for children aged 2-6 years. It generally comprises a nursery school, babysitting, and other collaborative activities aimed at encouraging children’s creative development.

Entrepreneurs that want to start a preschool can offer babysitting and other pleasant activities for kids to make learning more enjoyable. Generally, preschools are expected to have a well-sorted curriculum that should aid children in elevating their knowledge and skills. To develop children’s social and personal orientation toward life, activities should be both teacher-directed and child-centered.

Writing a business plan for a preschool is a difficult task, but with diligence and hard work, and some research, you can write a business plan for a successful preschool. To begin with any business, including a preschool, you need to be aware of the licensing procedure in your area.

Being the owner of a small business and a child-care provider, you definitely should be acquainted with your local government’s rules and regulations. After you have completed the licensing requirements, you are ready to start working on your business plan.

While writing a business plan, you should always start with a business description. The establishment of a clear business strategy can be aided by detailing each service you provide. It would help if you wrote goals outlining your purpose and motivation for the business.

Before commencing a business, an overall assessment is essential. Always keep an eye on preschool industry developments, but focus on the preschool services and options in your neighbourhood. Their target audience must be known, and you should figure out if there is a need for your assistance in that area. Check out the competition and make the preschool a little different from others that can help you to attract customers.

While beginning with any new thing, its budget cannot be ignored. Similarly, constructing a detailed budget can guide you to the logistics of running your preschool. You will have to make charts representing the preschool’s cash flow vs. its expenditure and prepare a plan for any unexpected cost.

You will also have to make sure that the number of children in your preschool is indirectly proportional to your expenditure, i.e., the more children you are taking, the lesser your expenditure should be so that you can stay afloat.

Nowadays, it is necessary to maintain your insurance plans up to date. Depending on the style and size of your preschool, you may require a variety of insurance coverage, including liability, property, workers’ compensation, and business insurance. Remember to double-check the licensing standards for staff ratios and educational backgrounds of the teachers.

Child-care workers must accept criminal background checks along with fingerprint identification and ensure that reference materials and education levels are strictly checked. Since you will have to deal with children, you will need to develop disaster and crisis management plans, health and safety plans, ensure personal information protection, and nutrition protocols as directed by your local kindergarten license requirements.

No business is successful without a marketing plan. So let us now discuss that. The marketing section of your business strategy is crucial for attracting customers. It decides the type of marketing that will bring you in front of potential customers.

Try listing your school in your local directory and participate in community events for parenting and children in your area. Also, it would help if you run social media campaigns focused on your target population. Examining how you vary from other preschools is another crucial aspect of preschool marketing. The transition to the latest technology is an unfailing way to please families with children.

People generally prefer two ways to set up preschool. The first way to get started is to use the best preschool franchise of major domestic brands. This is easier as you have instant access to all the study materials, courses, and support you need to set up your school.

Businesses must provide physical infrastructure to the school to withdraw the necessary funds. Examining how you vary from other preschools is another important aspect of preschool marketing. This isn’t easy, but it also allows entrepreneurs to function in their unique style. The school must be a senior educator with experience running a reputable organization and must also hire a consultant. Your academic advisor can be assisted by educators and teachers.

Starting a new business always comes with certain risks. By considering all the different aspects of your child-care business, you will be able to reduce that risk well. It may be scary to get up and say, ‘This is worth my time as an early educator and management professional’, but your business plan is to give you confidence and contribute to your successful sustainable preschool. I hope all your questions have been answered, and you are all set, to begin with, your brand-new child-care business. Good luck!


Swachh Survekshan 2020: Objectives, Full Survey Results from MoHUA

Have you heard about the world’s massive cleanliness survey? Swachh Survekshan is an annual survey of the cleanliness and hygiene of various cities and towns in India. This survey covers 4242 towns which makes it the largest in the world. 

Who doesn’t know about Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan, a great initiative by our Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Damordas Modi? 

Establish a lot of other programs under this campaign for the welfare of our cleanliness. 

And Swachha Survekshan by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs is one of them. 

According to the last year’s survey, the 5th edition of this program ranks all the cities under Swachh Bharat Mission-Urban (SBM-U).  

Objectives of this mission 

  • To motivate vast scale citizen participation.
  • To guarantee the sustainability of enterprises taken towards garbage-free and open defecation independent cities, 
  • Validate third-party certification to contribute credible outcomes
  • To establish existing systems through online processes and boost awareness among all community domains about the importance of working together to make cities more resilient and sustainable.
  • It aims at fostering a spirit of solid pursuit amongst towns and cities to enhance their service delivery to citizens and move towards creating cleaner cities.

It has a real influence on sovereignty, employment, personal health, and morals, which has ascertained to be of great help in the recovery of the Covid-19 epidemic as well.

 Survey of 2020 for the Swacch Survekshan program. 

The rankings were founded on the categories of cities based on population instead of releasing overall rankings. So here I will be listing out three categories held this year.

  1. Cities with more than 10 lakh population

Indore has been awarded for four consecutive years, followed by Navi Mumbai and Surat. The last on the list, which is at 47th place, is Patna

    2. Cities with a population of 1-10 lakhs. 

At 382nd position is Bihar’s Gaya, while Chhattisgarh’s Ambikapur has ranked the first. 

    3. Cities with a population of less than 1 lakh 

Karad is the cleanest city under this category which comes in Maharashtra. 

This mission is countable as a step for fulfilling the dream of our prime minister. The launch of Swacch Bharat Abhiyan’ dwells on Mahatma Gandhi’s goal on his birthday, 2nd October, marked as Gandhi Jayanti. It is an Initiative started for the betterment of our livelihood. 


We are working on a healthy ‘Swachh’ (clean) as well as ‘Swasth’ (healthy), ‘Sashakt’ (empowered), ‘Sampann’ (prosperous), and ‘Atma Nirbhar’ (self-reliant) New India!” Unity awaits welfare in many ways, and this Swacch Survekshan is a form of uniting the whole community together to reform our India. This article says all about this program. I hope I have been able to stick to facts. 

Who would not be proud that their city is the cleanest of all? So, to all those reading this article, join yourself in this initiative to make your city the most hygienic. 

Things To Know About Portal

We are all bound by time. Time indeed is very precious. With a life that’s this hectic and full of chaos, managing time for oneself becomes impossible. Add to it the need for standing for hours in a queue to pay fines. So how do you detach yourself from the woes of standing in a line for so long? Refer to NJMCDirect. 

The NJMCDirect is the best-known online portal that provides traffic rule violations to use the online facility to pay the fine or tickets. This online payment service has been a boon for many as it cuts off the cumbersome manual process of satisfactory clearance. There can be many complications due to which attending the court in person to clear the fine becomes impossible. 

From the lack of time to be sick to having other urgencies, the reasons are endless. Earlier the inability to visit the court in person and not paying the fine on time would mean imposing additional penalties.

But these hassles are now no more a matter of concern as the platform of NJMCDirect takes only a few clicks to go through the process of acceptable payment. Everything ends as effortlessly as possible—also demolishing the necessity of paying additional fines for delaying the actual price. 

Prerequisite Required For NJMCDirect Portal 

  • The license plate of the exact vehicle involved in the violation: The plate acts as a validation for verifying that the car is the same. The license number is readily available and is of immense importance as it gives away all the required vehicle information. 
  • Traffic ticket where it’s suitable for the parking: It is essential to have a traffic ticket as proof. The passport must be legal. Whenever there’s any law violation, officials often issue a ticket that entitles one to pay the fine. The key comes inclusive of the Court ID and Ticket Number. 
  • You can make a valid submission form for easy payments through the NJMCDirect can be made: Documentaries are crucial in legal submissions. All of these documents included have to be verified and authenticated. Any sort of fraudulence is unwelcome. Perfect and valid documents shall help you progress ahead of the stagnant curve.
  • For the completion of payment, there is a requirement of MasterCard: The mode of payment is always essential to carry out any online payment procedure. Just fill in all the card-related details, and you’ll be good to go.
  • NJMCDirect mode of operation: The availability of online payment is what draws so many people to the ticket payment online portal. This payment portal provides an accessible online mode of payment. But one needs to have specific details concerning its time and mode of operation.

It is essential to make payment with accuracy, which is crucial to get the fees paid on time. It is also to be kept in mind that the portal isn’t open 24*7 for operation.

There are direct hours of operation for NJMC as listed below :

  • Monday to Thursday – 7.30 AM to 11.45 PM

  • Friday- 7.30 AM to 10.45 PM.

  • Saturday- 7.30 AM to 3.45 PM

  • Sunday- 1 PM to 11.45. 

  • Smart devices with stable connection: Though almost everyone has a smartphone, most of us tend to become ignorant. So that we initially gain access to the portal and go ahead with the payment without a proper device or a stable connection, or sometimes even with a public WiFi.

Such ignorance can be disastrous and often cause hindrance in loading pages. Sometimes situations become so critical that it can even make you lose the money that you just transferred as payment. Hence ensuring that you own an excellent device with a stable working internet connection is a basic necessity. 

Some Excellent Benefits of the

  • Time-efficient: Time is one of the most important factors when it comes to governing people and their lives. As our lives are becoming more and more centred around various tasks, life has become a battlefield.
  • Hence it’s no new news that making out the time to stand in long queues in the quest to paying one’s traffic fine is cumbersome and hectic. But there’s nothing to be worried about anymore.

With the NJMCDirect portal, you pay your dues in no time and with utmost efficiency. It helps in managing time for what’s important. 

  • No requirement of manual labour:

If there’s a need to pay the fees in person, there’s a lot of manual labour involved. But the NJMCDirect payment portal cuts off the need for any unnecessary manual work and makes payments for you within a few clicks. 

  • It is secured :

Any online payment portal should be verified and come alongside. Security prevents any loss of money. The information related to the bank and card details is kept highly confidential, so you can go ahead and pay with ease without any worries. 

Brief Summary about Pichwai Paintings

The Pichwai paintings originated in Nathdwara town, near Udaipur, Rajasthan. This folk art form is more than 400 years old.

The word pichwai literally means “backdrop”. The paintings are made on cotton cloth and placed mainly in the temples of Pushtimarg devotional tradition. Pichwai paintings are hung behind lord Krishna’s idol on different occasions and festivals to celebrate different events of the lord’s life.

You can Buy Pichwai Paintings Online at

Characteristic Features of Pichwai Art form

This ancient art form is known for depicting the stories of lord Krishna. The lord is depicted as Shrinathji (7 year old manifestation of  lord ), often accompanied with Radha, gopis, lotuses and cows.

Pichwai style has a characteristic depiction of the lord with large eyes, broad nose and a heavy body, inspired by the idol of Lord Shrinathji.

These paintings frequently showcase different festivals and celebrations like Raas Leela, Govardhan Puja, Sharad Poornima, Holi, Diwali, Gopashtami, Nand Mahotsav and Janamashtmi.

How are Pichwai paintings made?

Firstly a rough sketch is made on a starched cloth and then filled with colours. Originally Pichwai was made with natural colours using brushes made of horse/squirrel hair, but now modern and less expensive materials have taken over.

Dark borders and colours like red, yellow, green, white and black are used along with a lot of gold in these paintings. Addition of pure gold gives rich charm and value to them.

It takes about 3-4 days just to prepare colours for one painting. A single Pichwai painting takes about a few weeks to several months to complete depending upon its size and complexity of its design. It requires immense expertise and skills to produce even the smallest details with precision.

Often a group of skilled painters come together to create one pichwai painting, under the guidance of a head artist. Some of the popular Pichwai styles are Kota Bundi, Nathdwara, Kishangarh style and Hyderabadi style paintings. Since each piece takes around weeks to months to be ready, their prices are also based on that. A good Pichwai painting starts from ₹50,000.

Evolution with time:

Originally Pichwai were used as decorations for the Krishna temples across the country, especially the Shrinathji temple in Nathdwara. Over the years, pichwai paintings have evolved in size and style too.

Keeping up with the times today, From 10-12 feet, the size of the painting has been reduced to 2-4 feet now. Apart from temples, now these can be found in houses too.

Modern artists have also changed the signature anatomic features by giving a sharp nose or a curvature to the nose,and  rounded eyes.While the modern artist makes the modifications, they make sure not to meddle with the integral structure of the Pichwai art form.

The Pichwai art form is very ancient and extremely skillful art, but its existence is fading away and needs to be revived and acknowledged more.

A guide for choosing the healthiest diapers for your tiny tots

Biodegradable bamboo diapers and their ethical sourcing of premium quality raw materials are nothing short of a boon to you and your toddler. As parents, it stays as a remote concern for every individual that nothing but the best is chosen for the kids. The thought of having carcinogenic and other toxic agents next to our kids is impossible.

But sadly these toxic chemicals are smartly masked and sneaked under the impression of safe and readily usable diapers. It is very important that you thoroughly investigate the diapers and their ingredients before you put them on your toddler. The bulk of one’s childhood revolves around nappies and it is estimated that a minimum of 5000 diapers are used over an individual kid before they adapt to potty training.

Here’s given below a list of qualities that make bamboo diapers stand out as superior diapers as compared to the other generic diapers.

  • The topmost priority for bamboo diapers is safety.

The Biodegradable bamboo diapers skyrocketed to fame after it was confirmed that these diapers unlike their contemporary disposable diapers are free from any sort of toxic chemicals like phthalates, dyes, carcinogens, and so on. These diapers are 100% organic and are hypoallergenic, which simply means that these diapers are completely safe on the baby’s soft skin and are free of allergens and other rash-inducing substances.

Not only are these bamboo diapers provide some of the best cushioning and absorption properties but also are instrumental in ensuring a chemical and hazard-free happy experience for your kids.

  • Ease of movement:

Bamboo diapers are known for their high rate of absorbency. The absorbency rate of bamboo diapers is 70% higher than the cotton fabric used in generic disposable diapers.

Hence there’s a high rate of absorption that decreases the chances of leakage, sagging, itching, redness, rashes, and any other form of discomfort to the little ones. Also, an increased rate of absorption means that there’s a lowered need for diaper changes and a slimmer more snug fit which provides utmost comfort and provides ultimate freedom to move.

  • Ultra-breathable fabric that inhibits moisture accumulation:

100% Bamboo sheets in diapers allow proper air-circulation inside. This prevents sweating and unnecessary production of moisture that may later promote bacterial growth, rashes, and so on.

  • Towards a greener and more sustainable future :

The bamboo diapers are made with 100% biodegradable bamboo. The bamboo concentrate is often added with plant cellulose and other biobased products that are clinically approved and are fully toxicity-free. They also form composts at a 30% faster rate than standard nappies.

In this context, while most disposable diapers take around a total time of five hundred years to decompose and completely remove their carbon footprint permanently, it only takes 72-75 days for bamboo diapers to decompose. Hence the switch to bamboo diapers not only is a safer choice for your toddlers but also champions you as a thoughtful guardian who cares about the world and the well-being of their kids shortly.

The more conscious we are, the more we have a possibility of averting major waste and pollution-related problems of the world.

  • Bamboo diapers are completely chemical-free.

Bamboo diapers are free from all sorts of toxic substances ranging from chlorine to alcohol to preservatives to latex, phthalates, and so on. Long gone are the days of worrying about the purity of the diapers that we subject our kids to almost every day. Most disposable diapers also come inclusive of dioxins which are highly carcinogenic substances. Bamboo diapers are free of all of these toxicity-laced chemicals to ensure that your toddler has nothing to worry about.